Max Van Horn (L) and Connor Cain (R) with the Forest Hills Catch of the Day.
On Wednesday, July 1, 2009, around 4 pm in the afternoon, two young men - Max Van Horn (6 yrs. old) and Connor Cain (7), and their guide, Ben Herst (16), embarked on a fishing adventure in Forest Hills. They chose to cast their line into the Forest Hills Creek, near the East Forest Hills Blvd. Bridge next to the tennis courts. Using a homemade rig consisting of a cork with a length of fishing line wrapped around it and a small hook tied to the end, Ben instructed the two younger anglers on the proper hand-jigging technique for success at his favorite local fishing hole. Their bait was small pieces of sandwich bread, which the fish loved! While standing on the sandy bank of the creek, Max and Connor caught five hungry fish, of various sizes. The picture is of the first and biggest fish - roughly 9 inches in length - reeled in by Max and Connor. All the fish were successfully released. Future fishermen should be careful around the area, because of pointy sticks, thorns, spiky caterpillars, and slippery rocks. The creek was abundant with fish, minnows, and tadpoles.